Capsulitis of Toe Joint
(Pre-Dislocation Syndrome)

Capsulitis of the second toe, also known as predislocation syndrome is sometimes a precursor before a hammer toe becomes a hammer toe. Sometimes a patient will present after trauma to the toe with capsulitis and other times they can not relate any history of trauma. This is where it is our job as your podiatrist to dig deeper and investigate why this is happening.

Technically, this could happen under any of the metatarsal heads but just happens to be most common at the 2nd toe at the ball of the foot. Patients will often complain of swelling and redness at the ball of the foot under the second toe. They may have a history of trauma but some just complain it hurts a lot in that area under the toe walking barefoot.

Many patients are misdiagnosed with a Morton's neuroma and because of the treatment not being exactly what they need, they do not get better. In our Clermont and Leesburg podiatry offices we see at least one patient daily that has been misdiagnosed with a Morton's Neuroma. If you feel like you may have been misdiagnosed make an appoint with our podiatrists. 

 Treatment for Pre Dislocation Syndrome can be pretty simple. We have you rest the area, ice and strap the toe down as seen in the video here. Some patients have a hard time splinting the toe down and we sometimes modify their shoe gear with a pad to take pressure off of the area. It can take 2-3 months of splinting the toe to get 100% better and only in rare occasions is surgery required.



Want to learn more about our state of the art 3D scanned and printed foot orthothics? 

2EBEA1FA-B136-4868-A063-895510D6932C"Not everyone needs custom foot orthotics.  But the people who do know how important a great custom foot orthotic is for their foot health! If you need to upgrade your custom foot orthotic we have the most accurate and quick fabrication of custom foot orthotics.  The old way took 2-4 weeks to get them, now we can have a brand new custom foot orthotic to a patient within 24-48's pretty cool!" 


3D Printed Orthotics

This technology allows our doctors to make sure your custom orthotics are perfect. The precision and customization possible with 3D printing and scanning technology has been a huge game changer in us helping your feet feel their best.

When treating patients for capsulitis or PDS we can add modifications to a custom foot orthotic that can take the pressure off the 2nd metatarsal phalangeal joint to help this area heal and help it fell much better. 

Dr. Henne and Dr. McGowan are excited to be able to get you back on your feet. This technology allows our doctors to in real time add modifications to relieve pressure on areas causing you pain on your feet.