A wart is a lesion or lesion that can appear on the skin from a virus that we are exposed to one way or another.
Many times it manifests on the bottom of the foot and can seem like just some thick skin or callus. There can be one solitary wart or some people present with many warts on one or both feet. Our caring podiatrists can take care of your wart and get you back on your feet.
- Thickened skin that looks like a callus
- Tiny little black dots can sometimes bee seen through out the wart.
- Pain with side to side compression of lesion

Treatment For Warts

Treatment for Warts:
- When you come into our office the doctor will explain to you all of the treatment options.
- If possible it could be cut out and closed with stitches(this may require a period of non weight bearing and the area can not get wet for 2 weeks)
- The doctor could shave the wart down to pinpont bleeding and then apply a topical acid. This will require some home work on your part and you may need to see the doctor multiple times until the wart is gone. (this is an option many patients choose because they can not be non weight bearing for 2 weeks) This method is effective just takes longer.