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Bunions can be a painful foot deformity or just a little annoying to try to find shoes that fit. Either way if you are interested in learning more about bunions read on. If you have a bunion and need a podiatrist in Central Florida you can make an appointment online or call the office today to schedule. 

Symptoms of a Bunion

  • Pain at the Big Toe
  • Redness on the Side of the Big Toe
  • Difficulty wearing shoes


 Treatment For Bunions

The best description of when to fix your bunion is when you have changed your shoe gear and your foot still hurts no matter how you try to make it feel better conservatively. Considering bunion surgery is not a small decision. Most bunion surgeries will slow you down for a couple months. Surgery almost always entails cutting your bone and realigning the bone to a more normal position. This may require the use of screws and/or pins. " I would always exhaust conservative care even custom foot orthotics if it was myself to try to stay active and avoid surgery on my foot."

Curious how to fix a bunion?

michelesmThere are many different approaches on how to fix a bunion.  It is best to be seen by your podiatrist to see what procedure is best for you.  

Here is one example of a type of bunion procedure that is commonly performed. 

How A 3D Printed Custom Foot Orthotic Might Help With A Bunion

A custom foot orthotic may not be the 100% solution to your foot pain from a bunion but if it improves your discomfort enough for you to continue doing the things you love to avoid foot surgery it may be worth the try! The precision and customization possible with 3D printing and scanning technology has been a huge game changer in us helping your feet feel their best.